Exclusive to makewine.co.nz
Perfect to get started on your home winemaking journey. Everything you need and nothing you don't.
Sufficient ingredients for 2 batches of 5-8L of delicious homemade wine.
2 x 10L food grade buckets and lids
Siphon tubing
Ingredients for 2 batches of wine:
2 x 5g Champagne Yeast (also a general purpose winemaking yeast)
1/8cup (about 40g) of potassium metabisulphite (for sterilising equipment and must)
25g pectolase
7g fermaid AT
Home winemaking instructions & generic recipe (online)
Unlimited email support
2-3 kgs fruit per batch
1-1.5kg sugar per batch
Sieve or colander that will sit inside the top of the bucket for straining your wine
Long spoon
If you want to bottle your wine: bottles eg used wine bottles, soft drink bottles, or purchased from a bottle supplier
Airlocks and grommets (you will need to drill hole in bucket to attach). Not necessary as you will be taking the lid off your bucket twice daily but some people prefer to use them