Subject to supplier availability. IF THIS PRODUCT IS SHOWING AS OUT OF STOCK WE CAN USUALLY GET IT IN. Please contact us at info at makewine dot co dot nz to discuss.
Use this product to induce a malolactic fermentation (MLF or malolactic conversion or malo). Malolactic fermentation will break the malic acid in your wine down to lactic acid resulting in a creamer mouthfeel and rounder flavour.
Please store in the freezer. Will only ship Mondays to Wednesdays & will not ship this product to a rural address (if you purchase and a rural address is provided your guarantee will be waived). The culture needs to be put into a freezer as soon as the courier arrives.
Unopened packets last at least 3 years in the freezer.
Once opened, tape packets tightly closed and return to the freezer; use them during the same vintage.
Viniflora® CH35 is a freeze-dried culture of Oenococcus oeni. It is a heterofermentative malolactic bacteria which has been selected to ensure a fast and safe malolactic fermentation when inoculated directly into wine. It is adapted especially for inoculation of rosé and white wines with low pH and high levels of SO2 . It has a good tolerance towards temperature and alcohol levels.
You can use this amount of culture in up to 250L litres of wine but being such a small amount it would be impossible to split it in to more than 2 or 3 batches of smaller amounts of wine. ie you could use this to innoculate 2 or 3 batches of 23 litres of wine
Simply add the culture directly to your wine after alcoholic fermentation. Keep wine between 15-25C (ideally in the middle of the range). Do not add sulphites or sorbate before the malolactic fermentation. Maximum alcohol 14%.