Select juice that has no preservatives (ascorbic acid / citric acid is fine). If the juice has preservatives it is probable the yeast will not be able to ferment the juice and the juice will be wasted.
Ideally you would use the same amount of juice as you will make wine, but this makes for expensive homemade wine if you do not have a source of cheap juice. So you may choose to dilute the juice.
To make a wine between 10-14% you will need 200-275g of sugar per litre of juice.
You may need to add additional sugar to achieve 200-275g sugar per litre, particularly if you are diluting your juice. It is suggested you check your sugar content using a hydrometer.
You may find wine made from juice only (not pulp) results in a wine that lacks body – you can experiment with adding some “banana gravy” &/or washed and chopped raisins or sultanas (check there are no preservatives or oil in these). Use 50-200g per 5L wine. The banana gravy can be made by simmering a ripe banana (1 banana per 5L wine) in a little bit of water for about 10 minutes until it reaches a gravy-like consistency.
You may also find using some of your sugar addition as brown sugar, molasses, honey or similar will also add body and taste.
Some people add a small amount of glycerine just before bottling.
To make the wine:
Add the corrected juice and any other ingredients into the fermenter. Ensure there is sufficient headspace (eg use a bucket half full or if using a carboy only fill it 3/4 to start. This is because it may foam and overflow.
Add 1 teaspoon of pectolase / 5L wine and leave 24 hours (if using pectolase).
Add ¼ teaspoon fermaid per 5L wine.
Rehydrate yeast according to instructions and add. If using go-ferm protect, add this to rehydration water before adding yeast.
You should see signs of fermentation within 24 hours. If not please contact the supplier of the yeast.
Once the sugar has depleted by one third (measure using your hydrometer or if you don’t have one - 2 days into an active ferment is an approximation), add another ¼ teaspoon of fermaid per 5L wine.
Fermentation should finish in 1-4 weeks depending on various factors.
Once fermentation has finished you can decide whether to use finings, whether to mature the wine, or bottle it and drink.
If maturing your wine, ensure it is topped up to within 1cm of the bung.